The drama is just too much for me to handle! Her mood swings "are giving me whiplash". Kairi has had the worst day I think I can ever remember. She had spent last night at my parents house, and I guess was pretty good. We decided to all go to the Mexican Grocery Store (yes, that is what it is called), and that is when all the drama began. From there the melt downs became longer and more intense. So on the ride home, tears streamed the whole two miles there and well into the apartment and then straight her bed, and then another hour-two hours later. Popcorn and choco milk didn't even help. When my oldest was nearing the age of four, he started to mellow out and came close to being my precious baby boy again. The closer we approach four with Kairi, the worse it gets, the attitude, the tantrums, the sassy mouth, all amplified. As much as i was looking froward to her being away at my in-laws this weekend, she stayed home, and surprisingly was pretty well behaved. We headed down to Target to get a few things (and for me to bargain hunt, I love the back side of the isles. That's where all the clearance items are). I made a good deal discovery on the back isle, a velour Disney Princess blanket for $3.24!!! Yes the little drama queen didn't deserve it, but she was good in the store and had had a rough day/evening.
Lori, who can resist a bargain like that! You just HAD to buy it for her. : )
Lol isn't that always the way? I swear it seems like the times I find the best, most unrefusable bargains for my son are always when he's behaving the worst.
lori, i have a drama king! first and formost he thinks he rules not only the house but the world in his eyes!!! i just left the house to go to the store for a few things and he was in TROUBLE in his room for telling his daddy " I DONT LIKE YOU ANYMORE!!
I hear the 2nd half of each age is whe they are at their worst. So naturally MY kid has to be an over-achiever and start a few months early (at around 4-5 months into each age year) and end a few months after her birthdays, so I get 2, maybe 3 months of sweetie pie. Then back to the Wicked Toddler of the West!
I have two princesses and one was just born dramatic. I can very much relate to your woes, but they're still just so cute. I found you on a blog hop and I'm glad I did. I love your blog! I am a crazy mom too:) Janae
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