Here is all the juicy details:
This program is for the faint hearted, the NON-calorie, carb and fat counters, and the "oops I forgot to stop at the gym....again" folks. There are a lot of us out there. And as much as I would love to say that I enjoy working out and find time, I can't. Or that I ALWAYS eat the healthiest foods and can just say no to more helpings of pizza, even when I am feeling low, I can't. But, as I giggle, I have a feeling of hope for my plump butt and slightly over hanging tummy. I have had tons of (skinny) people and doctors tell me to "just watch what you eat", as if it was that easy. Well, my idea is to take that bit of advice and apply it in a literal sense. Starting March 14th, 2011, I (and anyone who wants to join) will be taking snap shots of EVERYTHING I eat. From a handful of candy to full meals, it will be pictured and blogged. My hope in this process, I will SEE all the things I eat, especially the things that I don't even really know that I put in my mouth. Not only will I be able to see the quantity and quality of my intake, but I will have to stop and take pictures of it, causing me to either take multiple pics of more helpings or not take any more. I am also self conscious and knowing that hundreds (or more) of my readers will see my bad eating habits and thus I will think twice before eating those "snacks". My journey will continue on until I succeed in "watching" what I eat and become a healthier me. I will also be logging beverages, and any exercise that I can get in, my weight through the process will also be logged. I am excited to begin my journey and hope you will be here to support me and maybe join in the fun.

My week will be Sunday-Saturday, food pictures will be blogged every Sunday morning. So keep checking back and follow my progress (or lack of, lol) I also have a Facebook Fan page for you to follow along.
Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm following you back! :)
I'm a new follower from Meet and Follow Sunday. Nice to meet you!
Wife on the Roller Coaster
New Follower Here! (Sun. Strolling) Share the BIG news! We are finalists in CSN Stores Bathroom makeover. All voting help is appreciated and needed. We are not ahead but we could be with a little support! 1 vote/validate email (may go to spam)
L. Harrison Wyoming/Grandma Sez So Blog
Hey! If we won, maybe I could expand our bathroom and have room for a scale. LOL (or perhaps that's not a good idea)
Wow...You sound so much like me. I want to lose weight so badly, yet it's difficult for me to stay away from junk food or that 2nd helping. I'm going to send you an email because I'm very interested in joining you :)
new gfc follower from blog hop. Please follow back @
That is an amazingly fun idea. If I weren't pregnant I would totally jump on the wagon with you! Another 2-3 months and maybe I can join up!
Leetah East -for my own thoughts -for some meal ideas
Hello, new follower from Say Hi Sunday hop...have a great week! Sue
just followed u back. mrs.shopper
Just stopped in from Mommy D's. I am a new follower here.
I just sent you an email to get more info. This sounds great. Having to take pictures will probably show me how much more I eat then I think I do.
Thanks for linking up on the Mystery Post blog hop! Good luck!
Mommy D's Kitchen
Found you on the hop! Your blog is so cute and I enjoyed reading this post :) Follow me back at
Wish you much luck on your journey to a healthier you!
I'm following from Tuesday Tag hop. Be sure to stop by, where Disney IS school, and link up at our new hop: Tiggerific Tuesday! Blog Hop...or Bounce!
Love the idea of "watching what you eat". You may just have something here. Good luck and look forward to following your journey!
I am a new follower,stopped by from the blog hop.
I love your blog! :D I didn't even know you had one and just stumbled across it.. And was like, hey, I know her! lol!
So once a week you are going to do a post with pictures of EVERYTHING you ate that week? That's going to be a lot of pictures, even if you try not to snack that much.
When I want to post a lot of pictures sometimes I make a collage at Picnik (just did this yesterday for my Mary's 18-month post). I'll be watching to see how this whole picture thing works for you because I know that when I log my food I do a better job not eating too much of it too!
Good luck!
Family Musings
I'm following you via Mommy D's blog hop
come on over sometime and visit.
Staying on top of weight is tough. I struggle every day and I have had gastric bypass but I'm making sure that my tool that I was given continues to work for me, but its work keeping a journal to make sure you don't get off track, good luck,
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